Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Rexburg Temple

I have decided that I would be a more constant blogger than I have been. The other night I took a walk around Rexburg. There have been quite a few changed in this little college town since I Moved in almost a year ago. The main difference would be the skyline. On a hill on the south side of the City an LDS temple is nearly finished and will be open to the public in December and dedicated in February. This is something that is very exiting to me (being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.) I hadn't walked around the temple for a while and the other night I decided to walk around it and here are some of the pictures that I took. Even if I wasn't a member of the church I think that I would be able to sense the "specialness" of this building. It will surley be a great blessing for the city of Rexburg.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Family History

I haven't posted for a bit so I thought I would put my two cents in. Lately I have been interested in some of my family history mainly because lately my family has been having some problems. I really can't put my finger on what is going on... let me say that it is not good. Well I came across a quote that I really like in a family history making me think about things.

"The final measure of a man is not what he has gained, but what he has done. The works you have accomplished is the only legacy you can leave the world. What you have learned or the knowlege you have gained is all you can take with you . When God Measures a man he puts the tape measure around his heart not his head or his purse. Out of the Heart are the Issues of life, an many men of great prominence and great means must have a terrible time just living with themselves"

I like this quote I think that these are words to live by.