Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well here it is Family an update. I just got back from Houston hanging out with dad. I got to get a lot of reading and meditating done. While I was there I was reminded of my "Rufus alergies" and got to spend some good quality time with dad. As you can see from my past photos we went to Galveston Island. Galveston was ravaged by Hurricane Ike, we also posted Dads house on craigslist. As of lately I have been planning a trip to Nauvoo (we leave on friday). Also my roomate and I have been rearranging the house attempting to make it more fung shway* Sp and I have been plotting out the next few months (quite exiting eh?) I have decited to set some reachable short term goals. My first goal is to read the book of mormon in spanish in 3 months (for some reason I get much more out of it when I read in spanish) second goal is as soon as I get another job to start independent study classes and get back on track with my education. Next goal would be to focus on my photography ( try to take better pictures and in more locations) also during the summer I will take some road trips to take pictures of poineer buildings and temples that are in the great state of Utah, I will also go camping ( a must) and hiking. Another goal is to go ten miles at the Gym on the bikes 4 times a week ( I am actally doing pretty well with this) the final goal is to limit my internet usage to blogging and job searching ( somthing that I am not doing well at) I find that I spend too much time on the net. Well here you go. I hope that you all are doing well and are happy.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Galveston Island

(the line in the picture is where the water line was during Hurricane Ike)

Galveston Island

Thursday, March 26, 2009


So, about a week ago I went to an el salvadoranian restaurant last week to eat one of my favorite dishes pupusas yum, yum. More about that later. Well, anywho I found a badly translated sign in the restaurant. Awww, life is pretty great

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

tenative plans

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I am really enjoying my time here in Texas. Here is an Idea and or plan for the roadtrip that I will be taking to Nauvoo/Kirtland with my mom

Beehive detail and Joseph teaching the Lamanites as commanded by the Lord

The Beehive from a replica of the pulpit in the Conference center

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The past week

Here are some recient pictures. I have been trying to gather my thoughts as to the things that have transpired over the past week. Please feel free to check back soon

Sunday, March 1, 2009


In Meeting halls all around the world the first Sunday of the month for is members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints is a special day. The first Sunday of the month is referred to as fast and testimony Sunday. For this reason among others I am prompted to share my testimony on my blog out of gratefulness of life and the awe that I have for the miracles that have transpired in my life.

I know that Christ is the savior of all mankind that he is mindful of us and knows of our strengths and weaknesses. I know that the Creator of this world can mend ours when it has fallen apart. I have felt his love and know that he has held me through some of my darkest hours. I know that he and only he can take us higher than we have ever been and help us reach our potential. I know that God has prophets on the earth that are sent as mouthpieces and teachers to help us know our fathers will.