Sunday, March 1, 2009


In Meeting halls all around the world the first Sunday of the month for is members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints is a special day. The first Sunday of the month is referred to as fast and testimony Sunday. For this reason among others I am prompted to share my testimony on my blog out of gratefulness of life and the awe that I have for the miracles that have transpired in my life.

I know that Christ is the savior of all mankind that he is mindful of us and knows of our strengths and weaknesses. I know that the Creator of this world can mend ours when it has fallen apart. I have felt his love and know that he has held me through some of my darkest hours. I know that he and only he can take us higher than we have ever been and help us reach our potential. I know that God has prophets on the earth that are sent as mouthpieces and teachers to help us know our fathers will.

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