Tuesday, September 2, 2008


As of lately I have been thinking about traditions that I would like to have or things that I have seen others do that I thought were great.

The first tradition is one that Brigham Young had with his family. This tradition was to ring the prayer bell for family prayer. If you ever have a chance to visit the Beehive House the prayer bell is proudly displayed with an engraving on it. I couldn't tell you what the engraving says but I really liked the idea. When I went to Nauvoo I bought a bell very similar to the one that brother Brigham had. Truman G. Madsen said that his great grandfather when he was a little boy used to run to the Beehive house every time he heard the prayer bell ring so he could join the Young family in prayer, He said that the Prayers of Brigham were such that Young Madsen thought that Heavenly father was in the room with them and would sometimes open his eyes to check. When I have a family I would like to continue the tradition that Brigham had and ring the prayer bell for family prayer

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